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Senior coach in Loosduinen (The Hague)

Senior coach in Loosduinen (The Hague) - Esther de Jong

Esther de Jong - Senior coach in Loosduinen (The Hague)

Esther de Jong is our qualified senior coach in Loosduinen, The Hague. Besides working as a senior coach in Loosduinen and The Hague, Esther is also actively completing her studies for Grief Coach. Besides Dutch as her mother tongue, she is also fluent in English. Meet her below and see what she can do for you personally.

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Who am I

My name is Esther de Jong. I was born on 6 December 1978 and I am a proud mother of two wonderful girls. I am originally from Hilversum, where I grew up in a large family of six children. In 2002 I decided to move to Harderwijk and since 2020 I have lived in picturesque Ermelo, close to beautiful nature. But actually, I also spend a lot of time in The Hague, where my life partner Dimitar lives. We are very happy together and enjoy life to the full with our children.

When I was just a 17-year-old girl, I worked as a domestic helper for an elderly couple. Besides taking care of the household, I regularly went on fun outings with the lady, who was in a wheelchair. So at a young age, I was already confronted with the challenges that getting older can bring and how important it is to keep doing new things to add colour to life.

A few years later, I started working as a domestic worker at a home care organisation. There I found out that there is often little time available for our elderly and that there are issues going on behind closed doors that nobody knows about. Through valuable conversations with the elderly I worked with, I found out that loneliness, physical and mental deterioration, coping with loss and difficult relationships with children are common challenges.

This experience fuelled my passion. I realised that things should and could be different! Why should seniors have to spend their autumn and winter years in solitude or restriction? In my opinion, it is a basic right to be able to grow old happily and vitally. Twenty years later, when I got the chance to train as a senior coach, I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. As a senior coach, I want to use my empathy, knowledge and experience to support you in this phase of your life. A phase in which so much is still possible and in which you should be able to enjoy yourself!

The Bible as a guide

In my coaching, I use the Bible as a guide for myself. I believe that God has our happiness in mind and that we can find in the Bible how to achieve a happy and meaningful life. In addition, I naturally respect other opinions and views.

What can you expect from me

Senior coach Esther de JongI am happy to help you(55+) if you have lost the feeling of happiness in life, are plagued by physical or mental limitations, have suffered a loss, are lonely or are looking for a new meaning in life. Together, we will explore what colours life for you, what new goals you want to set and what are the best ways for you to achieve those goals. It is possible for everyone to grow old vitally and happily! With my experience, listening ear and empathic and honest approach, I will work with you to find a meaningful and enjoyable use of your time, try to overcome obstacles and make new contacts or restore old will be a beautiful journey towards a happier future.

I also offer my services as an additional informal carer. In doing so, I also relieve family carers who often have to tiptoe around providing care alongside their own busy lives. With my flexible approach, I am there for you in the form of practical help in many different areas. Household chores, cooking or going out together, exploring the internet, going to the doctor together...everything is negotiable. I am happy to look at your request for help with you and in what way I can support you.

I am here to support you and together make sense of your life. Contact me today for a no-obligation consultation.

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