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Dimitar Shivachev (The Hague)

Relationship coach in Loosduinen - The Hague - Dimitar Shivachev

Relationship coach in Loosduinen (The Hague)

Dimitar Shivachev is our qualified Relationship coach in Loosduinen, The Hague. He works not only as a Relationship Coach in Loosduinen, but also throughout The Hague and its surroundings, as well as nationwide. Besides Macedonian as his mother tongue, he is also fluent in Dutch, English, German, Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian. Meet Dimitar below and see what he can do for you personally.

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Who am I

I was born on 28 October 1971 in beautiful Macedonia. I grew up as a curious child with big dreams and a passion to help people. A few years after graduating from the University of Sport and Exercise, I moved to the Netherlands in 2007. Settled in bustling The Hague, I began to build my new life in this country full of opportunities. But as I adjusted to my new surroundings, I noticed the increasing amount of relationship problems around me and I couldn't escape them myself.

From passion to action

Driven by my empathy and desire to help others, I decided it was time for action. I enrolled in a relationship coaching course and dove deep into the world of communication between partners, marital problems and everything it takes to build strong and healthy relationships. With each class, my passion to assist people with their relationship problems grew. I learned about the complexity of human interactions, about communication styles and emotional needs. But above all, I realised that everyone has a right to love and happiness, and that sometimes it just takes some guidance to get there. Now, as an experienced relationship coach with vast knowledge and experience, I am dedicated to helping people struggling in their relationships.

What can you expect from me

Relationship coach Dimitar ShivachevA coaching programme with me can deliver concrete results. Through targeted guidance and support, you can develop better communication skills as a couple, resolve conflicts and strengthen your relationship. Results can vary, depending on couples' individual needs and commitment. Some couples experience immediate improvements in their relationship, while others need more time to apply the tools learned.

During the process, specific goals are set, such as improving intimacy, restoring trust, finding a healthy work-life balance, etc. Couples learn to communicate more effectively, show understanding for each other and solve problems together. These improved skills contribute to a healthier and happier relationship in the long run.

A listening ear and support on your journey to happiness

I understand the pain and confusion associated with relationship problems and I offer a listening ear, advice and concrete solutions to work together towards a healthy and loving connection. My expertise is based not only on my education, but also on my own life. I have three beautiful children of my own and enjoy a happy relationship with Esther, my life partner. Our journey together has taught us that relationships require hard work, but can also be the most beautiful source of joy.

If you are struggling in your relationship or marriage, know that I am here for you. With my understanding and expertise, I will guide you towards greater harmony and fulfilment in your love life. Whether you are struggling with communication problems, trust issues or if - as a single person - you are struggling to find true love in your life, I am here to support you on this journey to happiness.

Biblical approach

I am a committed Christian and it makes me very sad to see how often these problems also arise in Christian families and eventually lead to divorces, broken hearts and families falling apart. For me, the Bible is the living Word of God that shows us the way to a happy life, filled with love and joy. Therefore, I also use Biblical principles in my coaching methods.

Do you want to make your relationship flourish again, strengthen your current relationship or get help finding true love? Don't hesitate any longer and make an appointment with me today! Let's work on YOUR happy future together.

Contact form Dimitar Shivachev

Photos: Andrea de Jong

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