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Korsiaan van Leeuwen (Veenendaal)

Life coach in Veenendaal Korsiaan van Leeuwen

Life coach in Veenendaal

Korsiaan van Leeuwen is our qualified Life coach in Veenendaal, located at postcode 3902 JH. Besides Life coaching, Korsiaan is also highly specialised in Mental coaching and Personal coaching. His mother tongue is Dutch and he is also fluent in English. Meet our Life coach in Veenendaal, Korsiaan van Leeuwen below and see what he can do for you personally.

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Who am I

I am Korsiaan van Leeuwen, born in 1976 and living in Veenendaal.

I grew up in a Christian family with respect and love for everyone. Without (pre)judgment, I try to deal lovingly with people and nature.

Besides travelling, chores and doing (new) things, I like to do sports. A diversity of sports have their place in this. For me, sport helps to clear my head and process things.

From the passion to help people move forward and driven by the conviction that we need each other to do so, I started "From Balance Coaching".

Like (almost) everyone else, I have encountered several bumps and obstacles in my childhood and as an adult. Especially in my early childhood (up to around 9 years old), I had to overcome setbacks. These experiences have shaped me into who I am today and partly because of this, I have a great empathy capacity, which allows me to empathise well with situations and people.

My professional background is mainly in the IT Industry. In the first years mainly in technical content positions and in recent years as business consultant and account manager.

My background enables me to be goal-oriented and analytical when needed. Throughout my working life, I have been involved in helping organisations and individuals grow towards what they envision for themselves. Sometimes this was in the role of manager and sometimes in the role of consultant.

What can you expect from me

My approach is practical and down-to-earth. Using practical techniques and working methods, I work with you to find the right way to answer your coaching question. In this, I am a coach who, when appropriate, is vulnerable and stands beside you.

In doing so, I challenge myself time and again to think out of the box to apply the most appropriate methods. I find it very important that you are central!

Society asks a lot of us and it sometimes seems like we all have to be or become supermen. My belief is that in the end, the most important thing is to be in balance with yourself and be able to look with satisfaction at who you are and what you do.

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