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Online Masterclass

Dinsdag 11 juni 2024 om 14:00 uur | GRATIS online masterclass: Creëer je eigen online cursus!

Are you making an impact as a coach? Want to help more people and earn more at the same time without spending extra time? An online course allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with a wide audience, without being bound by time and location.

Deelnemen aan de Masterclass

During this master class, you will learn:

  • How to set up an online course in just one month.
  • How to build your online course effectively so that participants can get good results.
  • How to successfully sell an online course even without thousands of followers.
  • How to develop a free course that you can use as a lead magnet to attract more customers.

Wanneer? Dinsdag 11 juni om 14:00 uur.

Spreker: Joy Fokkema (online marketing & cursus expert voor coaches)

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