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Untek your Balance and Harmony in your life with Ikigai Coaching - Bart Messing

Ikigai Coaching - CoachingMatch

Welcome to Find Forward Flow! Are you looking for more balance and harmony in your life? Do you often feel stressed and overwhelmed by the daily grind? Or do you find yourself living on autopilot, without really knowing what your passion is or what really drives you? Then it's time to take a step towards a life that offers more fulfilment and meaning. And that's exactly where Ikigai coaching comes in.

What is Ikigai?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that stands for finding your 'reason for existence' or 'life purpose'. It's about discovering the perfect balance between what you love to do, what you are good at, what the world needs and what you can be rewarded (paid) for. Think of it as a recipe for a long, happy, healthy and harmonious life.

Find your inner compass

In Ikigai coaching, we start by exploring your inner world. We invite you to look deep inside yourself and discover and embrace your qualities, core values and passions. This forms the basis for creating a clear vision for a balanced and harmonious life, both personally and professionally.

An integrated approach

Ikigai coaching includes an integrated approach to life coaching, career coaching and stress and burnout counselling. We not only guide you in finding your Ikigai, but also help you tackle limiting beliefs that stand in the way of your growth and happiness. Together, we break through the limiting patterns of "I must...", "I can't..." or "with me that fails anyway...".

Take the first step towards your Ikigai

It is normal to find it exciting to take the first step towards change. But remember: a small first step can trigger a huge chain reaction. Only you have to take that first step. So what are you waiting for? Want more inspiration on how a small first step can change your life? Then watch this inspiring video:

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Contact us without obligation

Are you ready to start the journey to your own Ikigai? Then contact Find Forward Flow today. Together, we will take the first step towards a life aligned with your passions, values and goals.

Dare to dream, dare to live. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a life full of balance and harmony. See you soon!

Bart Messing

Ikigai coach in Utrecht - Contact details - Contact form - Bart Messing


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  • Tomasz Michalowski

    Liebe Grüße! Ich muss sagen, dass dein Blog eine wahre Fundgrube für erstaunliche und gut recherchierte Informationen ist. Es beeindruckt mich, wie du es schaffst, tief in die Materie einzutauchen und gleichzeitig eine klare und verständliche Darstellung für deine Leser zu bewahren.

  • Bart Messing

    Vielen Dank für dein positives Feedback! Es freut mich sehr, dass dir mein Blog gefällt und du die Informationen hilfreich findest. Dein Lob motiviert mich, weiterhin mein Bestes zu geben.

    Herzliche Grüße, Bart Messing

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